Near Infrared

Infrared radiation is the band of radiation with wavelengths just longer than visible light. Near infrared is “near” the visible band and is reflected by healthy vegetation and absorbed by water. Visible light has a wavelength of about 400 nm to 700 nm. Our near infrared cameras can capture wavelengths of 700 nm to 850 nm. This band is the near the infrared or “red edge” of the infrared band.

We produce three types of near infrared images:

  • Monochrome Near-Infrared Imagery: These are black and white images that will show near infrared radiation as light or white.
  • Color-Infrared Imagery: The are color images that render all the near infrared radiation as red. This process duplicates color-infrared film.
  • Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): This process compares the red band with the near-infrared band to assess the vigor of vegetation.

Focal Flight uses near infrared cameras by Cirrus Digital Systems.

  • Business Park Milpitas CA
  • Channel in San Francisco Bay
  • Coyote Point CIR
  • Dodgers Stadium Color Infrared
  • Kelp Beds Anacapa Island
  • Near Infrared San Mateo CA
  • Salt Pond Color Infrared
  • Salt Pond Natural Color
  • Salt Pond NDVI
  • Tea Fire Burn Area

Contact Focal Flight today to discuss your aerial imagery needs

Focal Flight, LLC
226 West Ojai Avenue
Suite 101-173
Ojai, CA 93023-2406

(805) 630-0065
(805) 585-3710 Fax

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